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7 min. reading time | by Sabine Paris, PhD
The PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference, which is now in its 30th year, took place as a virtual event from September 27 – September 29. The Conference focused on the role of effective quality systems in ensuring an ongoing state of control throughout the product lifecycle by vigilantly managing risks to manufacturing and quality.
7 min. reading time | by Felix Tobias Kern, PhD, and Fritz Röder
Defect evaluation lists and defect pattern libraries are popular GMP documents that have been used for more than 45 years. They serve as a rationale for the quality assessment of individual batches and set quality standards for the manufacture and testing of pharmaceutical products.
11 min. reading time | by Cornelia Wawretschek and Jens Hrach, PhD
7 min. reading time | by GMP-Verlag
A GMP compliant and successful process validation is only possible when a 'robust' 1 pharmaceutical development of the medicinal product has been performed, regardless of which development methods are applied.
12 min. reading time | by Harald Flechl
We operate a laminar flow above an injection moulding machine in a cleanroom, GMP Grade C (ISO 8 in operation, ISO 7/at rest). The laminar flow achieves ISO class 5 within the cleanroom area.
8 min. reading time | by Markus Roemer, Siegfried Schmitt, PhD
The written contract on the outsourced activities can take the form of an internal service agreement or an external service agreement. In both cases, it is used to describe.
7 min. reading time | by Heike Meichsner, Olaf Mundszinger, PhD, Susanne Schweizer
The registration batches correspond as nearly as possible to the later commercial batches in the marketing phase with regard to the equipment, starting materials and manufacturing processes used.
8 min. reading time | by Richard Denk
Isolators are used in the handling of toxic and highly potent substances and in the production of sterile products.
9 min. reading time | by Stephanie Blum
In addition to the preceding general statements on the PQS, Chapter 1 of the EU GMP Guidelines contains specific information on GMP for medicinal products and quality control.
9 min. reading time | by Thomas Peither
The inspection is carried out in the front office and prepared in the back office. The preparation room is used to train and instruct staff.
11 min. reading time | by Thomas Peither
A definition of the term “qualification master plan (QMP)“ is not to be found in the GMP guidelines, only the term “validation master plan (VMP)”, which serves as a parent document.
9 min. reading time | by Dennis Sandkühler
On the basis of the process-related requirements set out in the specifications, ISPE GAMP® 5 provides for a process risk analysis to identify risks relating to patient safety, product quality, data integrity and compliance requirements.
9 min. reading time | by Lea Joos
During a tour of the production area, it was discovered at several points that the rooms were not sufficiently maintained:
7 min. reading time | by Stephanie Blum
With this e-learning course you can get familiar with the topic of Good Distribution Practice (GDP)!
10 min. reading time | by Christian Gausepohl
When selecting balances, technical aspects such as resolution, precision and weighing range must be taken into account, as must special design features.
7 min. reading time | by Harald Flechl
The design qualification process may vary depending on the project and the client's requirements and may be carried out in two or three design phases.
10 min. reading time | by Chistian Gausepohl
The transfer of a product to a contract manufacturer can be divided into different phases.
15 min. reading time | by Ulrich Kissel and David Cockburn
Social distancing posed an interesting question for the Qualified Person (QP) in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic:
7 min. reading time | by Christian Gausepohl
Most companies have established different categories (qualification status) for the suppliers of starting materials and packaging materials they use.