GMP topical


EMA: GMDP IWG Work Plan 2024 - 2026

EMA: GMDP IWG Work Plan 2024 - 2026

The 3-year work plan for the EU GMDP Inspectors Working Group (IWG) aligns with Network Strategy and Regulatory Science Strategy (RSS) goals, emphasising supply chain integrity, product quality, and the impact of new manufacturing technologies. 10 documents of the GMP Guide will be revised or newly launched.

5 strategic goals and the activities to achieve them have been identified:

1. Enhancing supply chain oversight and security

  • Improve EudraGMDP database records for better information sharing.
  • Collaborate with the expert group for inspectional procedures for the inspection of the repositories system.
  • Implement new Veterinary Regulation in the context of GDP.
  • Explore GDP inspector training curriculum development (may be in collaboration with PIC/S).

2. Building inspector capacity

  • Support international inspection programs.
  • Harmonise guidelines with PIC/S.
  • Increase MAHs' responsibilities regarding nitrosamines and supervision of API manufacturers.
  • Enhance assessor-inspector joint inspections.

3. Reinforcing the resposibility for product quality

  • Develop EU data integrity guidance in collaboration with WHO and PIC/S.

4. Encouraging supply chain resilience and reviewing long-term risks resulting from dependency on limited number of manufacturers and sites

  • Identify sites for cooperative supervision between member states and strategic partners of these sites.

5. Analyse implications of new manufacturing technologies to regulate the new supply chains

  • Continued integration of science and technology in medicines development
  • Collaborate with the Quality Innovation Group (QIG) for innovation support.
  • Evaluate decentralised manufacturing concept in GMP Guide.


Planned updates to the EU GMP Guide include aspects of data integrity, novel veterinary medicines, nitrosamines and the extension of the scope of Annex 15 to APIs.

EU GMP Guide


Target date

Chapter 4 Documentation

Amendment to assure data integrity (parallel to Annex 11)

Q1 2026

Annex 11 Computerised Systems

Amendment to assure data integrity (parallel to Chapter 4)

Q1 2026

ATMP GMP Guidelines

Review and update together with the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) and the EC (new regulation on standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin, new Annex 1)

Q4 2026

Annex 3 Manufacture of Radiophamaceuticals

Review and update

Q4 2026

Annex 4 Manufacture Of Veterinary Medicinal Products

Review of comments recieved from concept paper consultation, draft an updated text

Q1 2026

Annex 6 Manufacture of Medicinal Gases

Review and update

Q4 2026

Annex 15 Qualification and Validation

Update in the context of new technology in facilities, products and processes and following up on Heads of Medicines Agencies‘ (HMA) nitrosamine recommendations, and extend the scope to APIs

Q4 2025

Annex 16 Certification by a Qualified Person and Batch Release

Update regarding HMA‘s nitrosamine recommendations

Q4 2025

GMP for Novel Veterinary Medicinal Products

Prepare final text

Q4 2025

GMP for Autogenous Veterinary Vaccines

Prepare final text

Q4 2025

ICH Q12 Lifecycle Management

Develop training materials on GMP inspection and PQS aspects together with PIC/S

Q4 2025


EMA: GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group

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