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7 min. reading time | by Sabine Paris
For almost 30 years now, the PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference has been taking place once a year. From 14 to 16 September 2020 it was a virtual-only event for the first time. The title of the conference was "The Future Is Now: Effective Quality Management and Robust Manufacturing".
5 min. reading time | by Crystal Booth
When selecting the number of sites to be sampled, the author recommends utilizing established guidelines. For example, ISO 14644-1:2015 contains a table used to establish the number of nonviable (total) particulate samples required based on the size of the room to be monitored.
5 min. reading time | by Harald Flechl / Doris Borchert (editorial editing)
In cleanrooms, it is necessary to create a clear demarcation to adjacent, less clean areas. Since the beginning of clean room technology, airlocks have established themselves as an effective means of separating rooms.
5 min. reading time | by Lea Joos
In the case of the deviation inspected, it was found that the batch number, which had to be manually transferred to the product before production started, was not correctly transferred to the product. The cause was found to be a "human error" in the manual transfer of the batch number during the root cause analysis.
8 min. reading time | by Thomas Peither
5 min. reading time | by Rainer Gnibl
Some essential differences between EU GMP Guide Part I (GMP for medicinal products) and Part II (GMP for APIs) are:
7 min. reading time | by Ruven Brandes
The integrity of the filter must be checked before and after use. This is a requirement of the EU GMP Guide1 and of the Ph. Eur. 2 The FDA3 also requires the integrity check, focussing on performance after the filter has been used.
5 min. reading time | by Felix Tobias Kern
The differentiation between medical devices and medicinal products is a constant challenge for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Does my product meet the definition of a medical device according to the EU Medical Device Directive (MDD) or the definition of a medicinal product according to EU-Directive 2001/83 for medicinal products?
7 min. reading time
5 min. reading time | by Christine Oechslein
Any action related to medicinal products must be traceable, because the life and health of humans and animals are at stake.
5 min. reading time | by Richard Denk
When designing facilities there are numerous aspects to consider. These include not only the regulatory and normative requirements but also the functionality and cost effectiveness as well as the principles of hygienic design.
9 min. reading time | by Grant Courtney
8 min. reading time
5 min. reading time | by Stephanie Blum
A management review is carried out on a regular basis to check the suitability and effectiveness of the pharmaceutical quality system (PQS). It is one of the most effective PQS tools available.
8 min. reading time | by Dr. Sabine Paris
Experts: GMP inspector Lea Joos, Christian Gausepohl, PhD, QP and Head of Quality Unit
7 min. reading time | by Brian Matye, Jeanne Moldenhauer, Susan Schniepp
9 min. reading time | by Petra Rempe and Martin Mayer
An excerpt from the GMP Compliance Adviser, Chapters 19.A Agency expectations of quality risk management and 19.B Application and benefits of QRM in the pharmaceutical industry
8 min. reading time | by Nadja Schaubhut
A GMP-DIALOGUE of the GMP Conference, the GMP-BERATER Tage, in October 2019 revolved around the topic "Disruptive technologies in the production of pharmaceuticals". The participants asked questions about the topic, which the two experts answered in an exciting discussion.
5 min. reading time | by Doris Borchert
In our company, every step of the production process is documented on the batch processing record, which is printed out on paper beforehand. Prior to this, all batches used were entered in the record by hand. This often resulted in an unclear spelling.