At the same time, new regulations and guidelines for quality assurance of production processes, environments and plant inventories are constantly being added. In the past, many companies have faced the growing demand for production data acquisition with a mix of paper documentation and self-developed tools. In the course of time, these in-house developments make it difficult to manage the change to a standardised and digital solution. However, the current pandemic is forcing companies to push ahead with the digitalisation of their processes.
Based on the superior data integrity, the deep integration capability and the functional richness of the application, a special equipment logbook for GMP production was developed. The changeover to a digital system that can also be used on tablets in the clean room offers clear advantages:
Companies have contingency plans for a variety of circumstances, but hardly anyone has considered a scenario like COVID-19. The new normality must include the digitalisation of communication processes. Although the pandemic may be an extreme case, any crisis requires resilience, agility and commitment. Artificial intelligence (AI) is penetrating ever deeper into and through our companies and their processes. In the process industry, artificial intelligence will only thrive if human intelligence is included as part of the solution, especially in situations where dangerous and complex processes are operated by highly qualified and experienced experts.
Three main considerations are crucial for the operation of plants in the response to a crisis:
Emergency measures are crucial to solve a crisis. If these three considerations are properly addressed, plants will operate with greater agility and build up business resilience.
The employees in production are of elementary importance in order to be able to guarantee the maintenance of the production processes. We all learned about the "social distancing" through COVID-19 as the first and most effective measure to reduce the spread of the virus and to reduce contamination from shift to shift. As the process industry consists of many hazardous processes, many levels of protection depend on human cooperation.
The shift handover is a very vulnerable point in plant operation. It is based on a combination of the transfer of information in written and oral form from one shift to the next. The oral exchange of information can best be done in the form of a personal meeting, which is why shifts overlap in continuous processing plants. However, a joint presence at handover meetings could allow the COVID 19 virus to infect other colleagues. Personal communication must therefore be replaced by a telephone or video conference. The operating conditions during a pandemic mean that the outgoing shift must be better prepared than before.
The leaving team will communicate the data and all necessary information in writing. The departing team leaves the production environment and carries out any hygiene protocols that may be in place before the arriving shift team enters the room. Both the outgoing and incoming shifts ensure that there is no physical contact - never. In any verbal exchange, both shift supervisors:inside should follow the same digital protocol - ensuring a single source and version of the truth.
Beyond the implementation of communication protocols, a good practice would include shift transfers in two completely separate rooms that do not share ventilation systems. Each room would contain tables and chairs, an office computer, two large screens and video conferencing facilities. An appropriate handover management solution with structured protocols and procedures is essential and includes the following:
The challenges of COVID-19 require much more flexibility from management, engineers and shift teams. But security must be a priority. There is no excuse for allowing uncoordinated and undocumented changes even in a crisis.
Felix Michler
Sales Manager
eschbach GmbH, Bad Säckingen
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