Co-founder and CEO of the QUASAAR GmbH
Markus Limberger studied Chemistry at the University of the Saarland and received a PhD in Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry in 1999 (Hermann Schlosser fellowship, Phoenix Pharmaceutical Science Award 2000). After holding a number of different positions in the area of galenic development, characterisation of active ingredients and pharmaceutical analysis, he joined PHAST GmbH in 2002 where he was responsible for the development of Quality Control (FDA-approved) and GMP units.
Markus Limberger is an expert speaker and author. His scientific activities include the GMP-compliant development and implementation of innovative methods and techniques in the GMP environment. He is a member of the APV (Association for Pharmaceutical Technology, pharmaceutical expert in the expert group for quality assurance and analysis) and has been part of the team of authors of GMP-Verlag Peither AG since 2014.
He is author or co-author of the following chapters of GMP Compliance Adviser: